
Best Burger

Bulldog Burger

Best Burger… the Bulldog Burger is now on the all-time winner’s list for their great Mushroom and Swiss Burger and for their great french fries. Colleges and burgers go together, the Mississippi State Bulldogs provide the namesake for Bulldog Burger in Tupelo (and Starkville) Mississippi. They are masters of burgers and fries. In fact, they

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Chasing 70 degrees

Snippet Chasing 70 degrees

Chasing 70 degrees – I don’t know who coined the term “Chasing 70 degrees,” but it accurately describes where we want to go and when we want to be there. The phrase “chasing 70 degrees” refers to the average temperature. The earliest reference to the phrase I could find was in 2009, more than ten

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Humor from Spam

Humor from spam

Humor from Spam: One of the unanticipated perks of having your own website is sometimes, you get some unexpected humor from spam. Sometimes it is a hoot. Why would people (computers) from all over the world go out of their way to provide such funny comments on this website? (Really I don’t know, the question

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Thomas Hammer Coffee

Hammer Coffee

Thomas Hammer Coffee. This is an interesting happening in our travels. For the first time in my life, I think that an advertising gadget worked — on me. Over the years I have picked up pounds of these trinkets at trade shows and I can’t think of anything that I purchased based on a trinket.

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Snippet: Travel Slowly

2017 to 2019 Combined Route

Snippet: Travel Slowly (and Stop for a while). So far we have visited every cowboy state (except Kansas and Oklahoma) mostly by secondary highways and back roads. Instead of dashing across the country covering hundreds of miles a day (or so), typically we move every four days. We stop every hundred miles (or so) on

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We made the cover photo

Family RV magazine cover photo

Snippet: We made the cover photo for Family RVing magazine for the June 2019 issue. Family Motor Coach Association (FMCA) is a membership association of RVers. They publish a wonderful monthly magazine and they chose my cell phone picture for the cover photo magazine. San Onofre Beach No filters involved. We were at San Onofre

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RV Cell phone booster

SureCall Cell Phone Booster and Antenna

Does a cell phone booster work and is it necessary for full-time RV travelers? How important is it, how does it work, when and where is it necessary? A year ago (spring 2018) I was very frustrated with AT&T discount Cricket phone service in the southwest.  We were traveling between Saint George Utah to Cortez

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