
A solution for solar charging RV chassis batteries without an inverter.

A solution for solar charging chassis batteries.

Until now, we have maintained the charge on our RV chassis batteries with electricity from our inverter. Here is a solution for solar charging RV chassis batteries without using our inverter. Someday (soon), our new DC-to-DC converter will be the only charge source for my RV chassis battery because I won’t be driving the RV. […]

A solution for solar charging RV chassis batteries without an inverter. Read More »

Our RV electrical failure led to a surprising discovery.

RV electrical failure

We had an RV electrical failure, this time self-induced. My failure to turn on the electricity when we had full hookups caused the failure. Of course, that isn’t the only story about the RV electrical failure; it led to a very unexpected discovery. This discovery might be bad. I don’t want to overplay the discovery

Our RV electrical failure led to a surprising discovery. Read More »

Can one lithium battery replace four lead-acid batteries?

Can One Lithium Battery Replace Four Lead-Acid Batteries?

Can one lithium battery replace four lead-acid batteries? In my case, yes, I did precisely that. My one lithium battery does everything that the lead batteries do. My one twenty-two-pound lithium battery replaced my previous four hundred and sixty pounds of lead-acid batteries. Originally published March 2023, Updated May 2024 I didn’t start out intending

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Our RV battery install makes our Massive Electric Bucket.

massive electric bucket

Massive Electric Bucket: What is an electric bucket? An “electric bucket” is my description of our RV battery remodel. (I will explain later) How did the RV battery remodel work?  This post describes the real testing results while camping off-grid with our new RV battery remodel. How much energy did we consume? Did we achieve

Our RV battery install makes our Massive Electric Bucket. Read More »

Key West Solar: How did we live on Solar when at Key West?

Sunset in the Valley of the Sun

Key West Solar: As a recap, this is the geeky version of how well our solar system performed while boondocking in Key West without outside electricity. It also covers some detailed information on how we lived with limited water. The last part will introduce you to my supplemental water plan. We already covered the wonders

Key West Solar: How did we live on Solar when at Key West? Read More »

Red Bay Makeover

Red Bay Makeover

Red Bay Makeover: Why go to Red Bay to remodel our RV? Why would we need to remodel our RV? Red Bay is the home of Tiffin Motorhomes. The people here have more experience with Tiffin Motorhomes than anywhere on earth. While here we performed our annual maintenance, fixed a few broken parts, and gave

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Redirect Can you run your RV Air Conditioner on Solar and Batteries?

Air Conditioner from Solar and Batteries

Can you run your RV Air conditioner on Solar and Batteries? We have the test results. The quick answer is yes you can. We have proved that it is possible. This update includes testing data with some surprises. These surprises are not encouraging and show how hard this is and why this is so hard.

Redirect Can you run your RV Air Conditioner on Solar and Batteries? Read More »

Xcapers Bash Solar Data Collection and analysis

Bash Solar Data

Xcapers Bash Solar Data Collection and analysis. As you know, the Xcapers Bash is 100% off-grid. Many RVs have solar to recharge RV batteries, some only have generators. This represents a huge opportunity to get same-day, same-weather, day-by-day electric data from hundreds of RV battery users – with and without solar recharging. Thanks for contributing

Xcapers Bash Solar Data Collection and analysis Read More »

RV Solar Series: Inverter/charger or Inverter & Charger

San Diego California Campground Sunset

Inverter/charger or Inverter & Charger each has some benefits. Separate also has some benefits. Which is better? Which would I choose? Inverters and chargers are actually two different items. Some manufacturers have built chargers into inverters and these units, depending on their design have some advantages over separate units. However, some inverter/charger combinations are not

RV Solar Series: Inverter/charger or Inverter & Charger Read More »

RV Solar Series: Lithium/Lead Acid Final Analysis

San Diego California Campground Sunset

This is my Lithium/Lead Acid Final Analysis where the determination isn’t necessarily all data-driven. Live style makes a big difference in the end result conclusion on the Lead/Lithium debate is going to happen. One of the biggest problems with lead-acid is that they don’t like to give up electricity without a fight. Tell this to

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RV Solar Series: Batteries Lead or Lithium?

San Diego California Campground Sunset

RV Solar Series: For a solar-charged RV battery, battery choice is critical to living with an RV solar battery charger. Battery design determines success or failure. The question comes down to Lead or Lithium batteries. Originally published March 2019 Updated June 2020 and March 2024 The first question that the RV Solar Series needs to address

RV Solar Series: Batteries Lead or Lithium? Read More »

Solar report:

Tiffin RV 34TGA Solar Panels 700 watt

We have gathered data on electricity used in our RV and have compiled a solar report to analyze the actual results. We still have issues of understanding what is going on, but overall we are thrilled. Yesterday was the true test and we did really well. Data to follow. Starting last spring we monitored battery

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RV Solar Series: Introduction

San Diego California Campground Sunset

RV Solar Series: Introduction “Boon-docking” or “dry-camping” is an RV style that refers to camping in an RV without the attachment of electrical, water, and sewer hookups.  We bring our own generator to make electricity, sometimes campground rules restrict generator operation hours. The most restrictive generator hours we encountered were at Death Valley National Park

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Departing the Beach

Campsite View San Onofre California

Departing the beach. Solar panels on the roof, kayaks on the car… Be in Bonita for one more week, then we turn east for our longest route ever. Our objective for 2019 includes almost every cowboy state and most of the entire Oregon and California coast. Our stay at San Onofre was very nice and

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