Snippet: We are interrupting our regularly scheduled programming to announce breaking news, another win for the Foxes. According to a recent article on the Escapee’s website, we are in the top ten list of RV travel blogs. I don’t know why I am calling it another win… there wasn’t a contest. For me at least, it is another win.
No, this isn’t about the burger I had last night or about finding a good beer selection at Whole Foods. Both of these were both wins, but not quite in the category of writing home about. (I have decided that since we are in the south, I can flower my language with more colloquial phrases –just for fun.)
FoxRVTravel was selected as one of the top ten RV Travel Blogs to follow in 2021 by the Escapees RV club.
Here is a link to the article. RV Tips, Travel Stories, and So Much More
There, I let the cat out of the bag early. Writing coaches would have told me to build suspense and save the news for later to draw more interest, and take up more of your time — before I got to the point.
Background information about the win
Honestly, I have nothing.
This was a surprise, no one asked us about it nor did we have any hint that it was happening. On this win, no one told us that we won, nor did any of our friends tell us we were winners. (I often tell Tami that I am the winner, just because I get to be with her.) Tami just ran across the article in her morning reading — even though we don’t typically read the Escapees website. It is entirely possible that we have been mentioned in other articles and we don’t know anything about it.
Escapees RV club
We joined the Escapees RV club about two years ago and went to the Escapees Xcapers Bash in January 2020. Mostly due to the Covid -19 virus scare, we haven’t participated in any of the club activities since then. I wrote a couple of articles in my blog about our time at the BASH here is the article Quartzsite No, Maybe, Yes
When we went to Quartzsite in January 2020 we also had a great time with the Escapees Boomers group. Why Quartzsite
Other than that I have no information. I don’t think we have met the author. We don’t send her our weekly article announcements, at least not to her email. I sent an email to thank the author for including us but didn’t get any response. My thankful comment on their blog is awaiting moderation. We don’t send article announcements to the Escapees club (perhaps we should).
I don’t have permission to use the picture at the top of their article, so the picture at the top of this article is from my selection of photos in Arizona. The photo at the top of their post looks similar to this one from our travels in 2018 in northern Arizona and Utah. My picture is of the “Three Sisters” in Monument Valley Arizona.
Last month was filled with wins
Our last month was filled with wins While in Red Bay we got a new carpet installed and a new refrigerator. Some of the wins we covered in our last article: Red Bay Makeover
I also want to point out the picture at the top of our Red Bay Makeover article, where Bob Tiffin, Founder of Tiffin Motorhomes visited our RV and signed the back of our cabinet door. This also was a win.
Other wins
I guess that I am calling it another win because for me it is similar to having our picture chosen for the cover of the FMCA magazine. I found out that we had the first cover photo on the magazine that wasn’t shot by a professional photographer. Here is a link to the announcement of that win. We made the cover photo

We also got a big surprise win when another photo we took in Colorado was selected for the Family RV magazine. Here is a link to that surprise win. Another Surprise Win

Humbled by the acknowledgment
I am somewhat surprised and quite humbled that other people find value in the blog about our travels. The blog is about us, but very quickly I realized that even though it was about us — it is for you (the readers). I try to find things that we are doing that explain our decisions and both entertain and enlighten our readers. I am grateful for the readers we know, and for the readers we don’t know. It is somewhat surreal that we have readers now from about fifty countries and way more readers than on our email list of followers.
Thank you all!!!
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Yippee! Congrats!
Must be that good Navy training, “please give me another eval or fitrep to write, I love it soooooo much.” Congrats you two, you are travelers extraordinaire!
Congrats! 🍸🍸
I will have to go read the article. Well done.
Way to go! Well deserved.
When are you all gonna start using them air colloquialisms whatever dim or? I read the whole article and colloquialisms is about as scarce as Hens teeth. So iffin you gonna teach that ole dog to hunt, you better get on the stick.
We are winners having you guys as friends. It’s fun to watch your adventures.
I have said all along it is the “BEST” travel/RV blog out there.
Can you track how many people open it and/or read it?
We are looking forward to having a beer with you two famous authors and bloggers when we meet up next.
Happy travels and stay safe.
My stats jump around more than a four-year-old child after eating cotton candy at a county fair.
I am stunned to see the numbers. The problem is I don’t know how many visits are human and how many are just computers with no human behind them.
You better watch out. Next thing you know, you’re gonna have groupies showing up at every campsite! LOL. Good job and well deserved! Keep em coming!