Cell Phone Jammer / Space Heater

Snippet: Cell Phone Jammer

Snippet: Cell Phone Jammer–You wouldn’t look at this and think that you are looking at a cell phone jammer. But, you would be wrong. This is a cell phone jammer and I tested it and it works perfectly, or rather it jammed our cell phone signal when we didn’t want it jammed.

Of course, I didn’t want it to be a cell phone jammer and it took some trial and error to determine the problem. After some testing it over and over again it worked every time. I don’t know if other heaters are also cell phone jammers, but I am certain this heater is a cell phone jammer.

Our location was quite a long distance from the cell phone tower and our signal was very weak. Otherwise, we may have never noticed. The way we tested it was that at first, we had a very weak signal. The signal was so weak that I set up our external directional antenna and cell phone booster. With the booster, we still had a weak but usable signal. Really the booster worked quite well.

By putting our directional antenna well above the roof and putting our inside antenna near the front door our data transmission rate went from less than one-half a megabit per second to over five megabits per second. One half is barely usable and five is just fine.

Here is our review of the Surecall cell phone Booster. RV Cell phone booster

So what happened?

Well, it started getting cold in the morning and since we had shore power, we plugged in the electric space heater. Immediately our internet went down. Nothing worked at all. After it warmed up in the RV, we turned off the space heater and the cell phone signal and our data rate was back.

We didn’t figure it out right away, but started connecting the dots and traced the problem to the space heater. Evidently the space heater has enough interference as to jam our cell phone signal. This hasn’t ever happened before, perhaps because we don’t always use the booster and of course we don’t always have a poor cell phone signal.

Components mentioned

This is what we used. We do not get commissions on the links and are provided only to help our friends.

Surecall Cell Phone Booster

2 thoughts on “Snippet: Cell Phone Jammer”

  1. So good to know that our use of small heaters and fans has the potential to jam or interrupt our cell service. Will continue to read your blog for other pearls of wisdom.

    We have traveled in our 34-foot RV with Wilson Whole House 4G cell booster for several years. There was just enough roof length to allow exterior and interior antenna mounts without interference. The booster works on any existing cell signal (except 5G) and we use our AT&T “unlimited” cell service to provide internet when we have not set out our Starlink. Of course, our data slows down considerably after just a couple of movie nights, but valuable information is still at our fingertips.

    We use Starlink to provide internet phone calls when there is absolutely NO cell service in our area. Starlink by far has been the best alternative we have found to home high-speed internet. We have traveled through many parks including Arkansas and found only one location where the tree canopy extended beyond the reach of the optional 150′ Starlink cable. And yes, we suspend Starlink when we are at our Texas home as our home has a thick tree canopy, especially on the north side.

    After 15 years of full-time and 5 years part-time there is still so much to learn. Thank you for all the information.

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