Snippet RV Parky Route Planning

Snippet: RV Parky Route Planning

Snippet: RV Parky “Route Planning” is my go-to tool for planning. RV Parky makes route planning very easy for RVers. We use it every time we plan our trips and refer to it daily, both for planning, and for a history of where we were, and when we were there. We even use it to make pictures for our blog and send our friends to our most current routes. In the last three years of full-time RVing, we have seen lots of places. RV Parky helps to keep all of this straight. Here is our Campsites Reviews page, we have been to quite a few places. Campsite Reviews In Every place we have been to we used RV Parky for route planning.

In RV Parky you can create a free account. From there you can create a map-based route for your travels. RV Parky routes can be basic or complex and you can fill it with as much information as you desire. It isn’t as complicated as some dedicated software and doesn’t have too many useless features. It is a great place to get started and easy to learn.

A big plus is that you can save rough drafts and we use it to save previously accomplished routes. It is easy enough to learn on your own but I’m going to help by creating a little walk-through on how we use RV Parky. You can open your own RV Parky webpage and follow along. Here is a link to the website address: RV Parky

When you first open the app you have two options — to sign in or start planning. Obviously, if you create an account, you can sign in and the value of this is that you can save your work. I’m going to start the tutorial as a demonstration of how you might give it a go, without first creating an account. After that, I’ll show you some of my account.

RV Parky Route Planning Tutorial

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After you open the app you will see this welcome screen. This is your first dialogue box. I suggest you use your location to create an account (Rifle Scope symbol). I’m going to pick Las Vegas as my starting point for the purpose of this demonstration. After you enter your first point you will see a map, centered on your starting point and a menu on the left side that looks like this one.

RV Parky Demonstration Menu
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On this menu, select the “Trip” tab and the menu will change to this one.

RV Parky Trips
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Select “New Trip” and you will open this dialog box.

RV Parky Create a trip
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Fill out this dialogue box and select “OK”. The map will center on your location and the menu will change to this one.

RV Parky Route
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In this menu select “Add a Stop” and type in a final or intermediate destination. For this demonstration, I am choosing Riverside CA. This will establish the route from Las Vegas to Riverside CA.

RV Parky Route
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That is it. That is all it takes to create a route from Las Vegas to Riverside. Notice that your trip is 247 miles long. From here you can click next to the zero in nights, to add or subtract nights to stay at your new location. On the left side, the plus symbols will add a stop to your stay, either after or before Riverside. On the right side, the red “do not enter” symbol allows you to delete this stop.

To save your work you will have to sign in and create an account.

One of the tools that you can then select is “Find a place to stay” which will create a list of possible locations and also identify possible hazards near your destination.

RV Parky Alerts
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Security and account creation

Security at RV Parky is accomplished via your email address. I have never received any spam email from RV Parky. After creating an account, to sign in you select the sign-in option. This will create a dialogue box and request your email address. RV Parky will send you a four-digit code in an email to your email address. Enter the code to complete the sign-in process.

After creating an account and signing in, the opening page will welcome you back and give you the option to open your dashboard.

Snippet: RV Parky Route Planning Home Page Signed In
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Once you have established your account you can then open your dashboard and look at the trips you have saved. We use a “Rough draft” for our potential travel and then after we go to that location we transfer the stop to a historical trip labeled with the year.

RVParky Dashboard Menu
RVParky Dashboard Menu

Cellphone Application

All the information from your website account transfers directly to the RV Parky telephone application but some of the screens will look a little different in the phone application. Here is a picture of the home screen.

Snippet: RV Parky Route Planning Cell Phone Application Home Page
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Selecting “Trips” opens the dashboard menu where you can select from your saved routes.

RVParky Cell Phone Application Trips Selection
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Selecting a specific stop will create a sub-menu on that location with several options. The choice I use the most on the cell phone application is Navigate. This will switch on a google map with directions to your RV Parky destination.

RVParky Cell Phone Application List View with expanded selection
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To see your map on the cell phone application clip the “Map” tab. On my cell phone, I jump back and forth between the list view and the map view.

RVParky Cell Phone Application Map View Our 2018 Route
RVParky Cell Phone Map View Our 2018 Route

One of the problems with the map view is when you zoom in on a location you get lots of additional options such as service stations and campgrounds to select from. This is pretty overwhelming and I don’t perform planning using the cell phone application.

RVParky Cell Phone Application Map View
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RV Parky Route Planning

That is enough for an overview of RVParky. We use RV Parky every day as a route planning tool. For campground details, we use our Allstays and Campendium. Here is a link to our Allstays review: Allstays Tool Box Here is a link to our Campendium review: Campendium “Treasure Box”

I hope you enjoyed this introduction.

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Just like the rest of the stuff on our blog, we hope that it helps you. We are so happy you find these articles worth your time.


FoxRVTravel Campsite Reviews

5 thoughts on “Snippet: RV Parky Route Planning”

    1. I don’t think that this is a feature. I don’t actually use it this way but rather just as a sequencing tool. You might try RV Trip Wizard.

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