2017 to 2019 Combined Route

Snippet: Travel Slowly

Snippet: Travel Slowly (and Stop for a while). So far we have visited every cowboy state (except Kansas and Oklahoma) mostly by secondary highways and back roads. Instead of dashing across the country covering hundreds of miles a day (or so), typically we move every four days. We stop every hundred miles (or so) on each travel day. Our objective is to take time to see the small things that make this lifestyle so enjoyable. 

The combined map comprises about 17,000 miles of RV travel. I have to admit, that we are almost always missing delightful locations only a few miles away from each stop.

Easy math would tell you that since moving into the RV full time, we have traveled an average of twenty miles per day. This kinda fits one of our objectives of stopping every hundred or so miles. I fully realize that if a person cranked off two major trips of 3500 miles over a two week period and then waited six months and then cranked out another 3500 miles they too would have gone the same distance over the course of a year. They too would average about 20 miles per day So the expense of travel would be the same either way. For us, we want to know more about each place. (That is not to say that we also always abide by our rule of short distances and longer stays. Sometimes you just have to get there.)

This might be a good occasion to review our travel style. If you travel full time, typically you will go north (and up in elevation) in the summer, followed by south and down in elevation in the winter. We do the same thing. There is not a right way or a wrong way. We don’t think the destination isn’t important enough to rush past the place we are at. Some people would describe this as living in the moment. An old phrase was to stop and smell the roses. Besides, large travel days are tiring.

Anyway, this FoxRVTravel-Snippet: Travel Slowly is provided to aid you in navigation by setting up an easy link to Our Routes.

2017 Route to the Solar Eclipse

2018 Route Wandering the West

2019 Route More Cowboy States

2020 Off on a New Adventure

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