Xcapers Bash Solar Data Collection and analysis. As you know, the Xcapers Bash is 100% off-grid. Many RVs have solar to recharge RV batteries, some only have generators. This represents a huge opportunity to get same-day, same-weather, day-by-day electric data from hundreds of RV battery users – with and without solar recharging. Thanks for contributing to the Xcapers Bash Solar Data Collection.
Please add your Xcapers Bash Solar Data to your results daily.
Please use the comments section to include the following items as appropriate.
- Date of report (if different than the day uploaded)
- Total Solar panel coverage in Watts (i.e. 700)
- Battery type: ( i.e. Lead Acid or Sealed Lead Acid or Gel or Lithium)
- Battery size in usable Amp Hours ( i.e. 150)
- Minimum and maximum battery state of charge for that day ( i.e. 60% @ sunrise – 95% @ sunset)
- Generator run time ( if applicable)
The state of charge is according to your ability to measure or estimate. All Solar Data is useful, the better the Solar Data the more meaningful the results.
This Xcapers Bash Solar Data, once aggregation is complete will help one of the BASH sponsors Battleborn Batteries. Battleborn has not paid to gather this data. The data will only be provided to them at the end of the test in aggregate (without charge).
I have nothing to sell, your responses will NOT be used for marketing of any kind.
All responses will be stripped of personal data including email addresses prior to analysis.
The final results will be presented in a follow-on blog post after data collection is analyzed for your information and amusement. (Edit, the test results are contained within this post.)
Your Xcapers Bash Solar Data collected will provide for multiple data analyses and the comments here are the raw data for everyone to use and compare.
You can find additional information pertaining to the kind of data and (my) conclusions about solar battery charging on this website at FoxRVTravel Solar Series.
The purpose of Xcapers Bash Solar Data Collection is to help each other.
Comments require approval to be posted –do not expect to see your comment immediately.
Bash Solar Data Analysis / Observations
Bash Solar Test Data Analysis / Observations. At the Xcapers 2020 BASH, we took the opportunity to gather user inputs for our BASH Solar Test Data Analysis. There were 400 RVs and no hookups for more than a week. These are the lessons learned. We gathered results from the Bash(ers), usually on a daily basis to see how our friends were able to recharge their batteries. I have not heard of too many super-sized failures (only one – description later). Most batteries survived, a little worse for the wear. As always, there are other interpretations, please comment. You can find the original data in our previous post. I am depending on the readers to draw their own conclusions from the raw data, not just my analysis and observations.
BASH Solar Test Analysis / Observations
If your name is David, you are likely to report a huge solar energy production, with a very large system and impressive battery bank. We had input from three different David(s). Thank you, and all others who contributed.

Solar Data collection is difficult because daily usage is not the intended direct goal, rather we have measured how you recharge your battery. Thus we are attempting to measure usage indirectly. This does not invalidate the solar data collected. In addition to recharging batteries, usage can be calculated if the energy produced is recorded but not used for battery recharging.
Secondly, because the system sizes vary greatly between 300 watts to about 4000 watts of panels; the solar data collection does not represent needs — just abilities. The person with the smaller system size and obviously much lower investment are happy with their results — the person with the much larger system, who uses his solar accompanied by his generator to heat the RV is also happy.
Pers (link at the end) also used his “extra solar” to heat his water, rather than letting the electricity to be unused (like I do).
David also heated his RV with his solar and batteries and used a very efficient heat pump LG mini-split (not an RV air conditioner/heat pump). I used propane and burned through 3/4 of a tank of propane (12 gallons) in the last ten days.
Observations proved by solar data collection (most observations are obvious)
Lithium batteries recharge faster at higher rates and are more likely to achieve full recharge earlier in the day. This lithium advantage allows more use during the day, holding the 100% state of charge until the end of the charging period (nothing new here).
Shade can kill energy production (also nothing new). At least one person having a big (more than 1000 watts of solar) had shading problems on almost half of the collectors. This production greatly.
Another neighbor created shade by tilting panels in his front row and shading his panels in his back row. The next day he lowered the front row panels eliminating the shade on the rear panels and had better results.

Tilting panels, in the winter, clearly produced much more energy than flat panels. I have heard the phrase, just add an additional panel, it is less expensive than a tilting system. One additional panel does compensate for lower power production somewhat. A better phrase would be — to double your system size if you want to equal the output of a tilted system in December/January.
Portable panels can beat fixed-mounted versions by a large margin. Especially if used to track the sun throughout the day. Honestly, portable solar panels kicked out way more than flat-mounted panels.
The biggest system in the test was used to create heat for the RV where my system, on the small side, ran the electricity, and propane was used to heat the RV.
Design Criteria Observations
The relationship between panel sizes (watts) to battery bank capacity (amp/hrs) is a very suspect thumb rule in sizing a purchase. This is not a good way to design a solar charging system. If this were the main design criteria, represented by the salesman – you are talking to the wrong company. Rather than this, a battery bank should be big enough to cover use. Panels should be sized to recharge the battery bank in a given period. Starting with needs is a much better method to determine the system size. Since during the data collection period, we only had sunny days, our observations don’t include any recovery periods after cloudy days.
Actually, this sizing criterion is a huge improvement. In 2018 I listened to two different RV experts say the statement “you can’t recharge batteries using solar” twice on the same day.
Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries (such as Battleborn — Bash sponsors) are much more likely to be fully recharged by the end of the charge period than a lead-acid battery bank. However, if you have functional, sufficiently sized, Lead-Acid batteries, they don’t disqualify you from successfully operating on a solar battery charger.
The biggest (temporary) failure was an 1800-watt solar coupled with 1000 amp-hours of lithium batteries. It plainly did not work — at all. By now, I am sure that it has been fixed.
No Solar with Lithium
Stories, but no data was provided by one person, who used a moderately sized lithium battery setup with 300 amp hours of usable energy. He recharged his batteries daily with a generator/charger. He went from nearly dead batteries to nearly full batteries within 3 hours of generator run time each day. The bottleneck in his system was his inverter/charger which was only capable of producing 100 amps per hour. (I say “only” because his inverter/charger is about four times faster than my inverter/charger.) His batteries were capable of charging three times faster than his inverter/charger could supply.
Compared to my 700-watt collector coupled with my 150 amp hour usable battery. I could have, and perhaps should have, spent my money on a better charger and lithium batteries rather than solar panels. The cost would have been much more than my solar, but would not suffer from cloudy days – ever.
To expand on my system, I went for my first year of full-time RV travel charging my lead-acid only using my generator. I monitored my discharging and recharging with a battery monitor. I used about 120 amp-hours each night (and still do). For me to replace a full discharge, I ran my generator 2 hours a day. Two hours of generator run time each day would charge my batteries back to about 80% full. To recharge the last 20% of my battery capacity would have required an additional 4 hours of generator time.
Brew your own dominated.
Stories abound, systems that functioned well, seemed to almost all be installed by the owners. Two of the biggest “failures” were commercially installed by “experts”. Even systems that had top-grade equipment including lithium batteries were not equal to simple systems that were constructed by owners. I think a large part of the success was due to owners monitoring and conserving energy and understanding how batteries recharge.
Someday I will join the cool kids and get lithium batteries.
The number one thing I learned is that my adequate system is merely adequate, but I already knew that.
Pers had the most impressive system, and the most solar data his website is 100offgrid.com. Pers not only covered his RV but also covered a trailer with panels.
Additional information can be found on our solar series. This documents our RVs solar battery charger and the reasons for some of my decision-making.
Bash Solar / Battery data collection totals Lake Havasu City AZ, January 11 – Jan 20, 2020
700 watts solar, flat mounted – south east orientation, no shade, battery 150 usable – sealed lead acid battery, Victron 100/50 MPPT solar controller, Victron 712 battery monitor.
January 11, arrival 100% state of charge
Jan 11 sunset 100% state of charge, produced 290 kWh
Jan 12 sunrise 63% state of charge, consumed 115 amp hours overnight
Jan 12 sunset 100% state of charge, produced 1.77 kWh
Jan 13 sunrise 66% state of charge, consumed 108 amp hours overnight
Jan 13 sunset 100% state of charge, produced 1.90 kWh
Jan 14 sunrise 68% state of charge, consumed 104 amp hours overnight
Jan 14 sunset 100% state of charge, produced 1.91 kWh
Jan 15 sunrise 62% state of charge, consumed 120 amp hours overnight
Jan 15 sunset 94% state of charge, (20amp hours less than full) produced 2.22 kWh
Jan 16 sunrise 63% state of charge, consumed 101 amp hours overnight
Jan 16 sunset 94% state of charge, (20amp hours less than full) produced 2.08 kWh
Jan 16 sunrise 67% state of charge, consumed 89 amp hours overnight
Jan 17 sunset 93% state of charge, (23 amp hours less than full) produced 1.85 kWh
Jan 18 sunrise 63% state of charge, consumed 100 amp hours overnight
Jan 18 sunset 100% state of charge, produced 1.97 kWh
Jan 19 sunrise 62% state of charge, consumed 121 amp hours overnight
Jan 19 sunset 97% state of charge, (11 amp hours less than full) produced 2.27 kWh
Sunset state of charge 100% zero generator, 1.77 kWh solar for the day.
Sunrise Monday morning, used 108 amp hours overnight 66% state of charge.
Sunset Monday, 100% state of charge produced 1.98 kWh no generator
Sunset state of charge 100%, no Generator
Wednesday sunrise state of charge 62% consumed 120 amp hours overnight.
Wednesday sunset 94% charge. Produced 2.22 kWh. No generator.
sunset 94% (-21 ah) created 2.08 kWh no Generator
Sunset 93% -23 amp-hours 1.85 kWh produced.
Sunrise 63% consumed 123 amp-hours overnight.
1600 watts, tilted, lead acid battery 300 usable. Monday AM consumed 180 ah overnight. Full recharge by sunset.
Tuesday used 160 amp hours overnight, Full recharge by sunset.
800 watts solar, 300 AH LiFePo4, 2500 watt inverter. Full use, no genset use, max DOD 80% back to 100% by 1300 hrs. Close to same every day
Solar ~4500 Watt, 5 x Tesla Modules ~20 kWh useful (>1600 AH@12V)
01/06 Solar 8480 Watthour (707 AH@12V), Draw 6181 Watthour (515 AH@12V), SoC Min: 76% Max: 100%, Generator 0 Minutes
01/07 Solar 10851 Watthour (904 AH@12V), Draw 5131 Watthour (428 AH@12V), SoC Min: 69% Max: 100%, Generator 0 Minutes
01/08 Solar 9852 Watthour (821 AH@12V), Draw 5941 Watthour (495 AH@12V), SoC Min: 74% Max: 100%, Generator 0 Minutes
01/09 Solar 8357 Watthour (696 AH@12V), Draw 4547 Watthour (379 AH@12V), SoC Min: 73% Max: 100%, Generator 0 Minutes
01/10 Solar 8764 Watthour (730 AH@12V), Draw 5383 Watthour (449 AH@12V), SoC Min: 74% Max: 100%, Generator 0 Minutes
01/11 Solar 10364 Watthour (864 AH@12V), Draw 6019 Watthour (502 AH@12V), SoC Min: 72% Max: 100%, Generator 0 Minutes
01/12 Solar 8887 Watthour (741 AH@12V), Draw 5259 Watthour (438 AH@12V), SoC Min: 73% Max: 100%, Generator 0 Minutes
A few more days.
01/13 Solar 9939 Watthour (828 AH@12V), Draw 5718 Watthour (477 AH@12V), SoC Min: 72% Max: 100%, Generator 0 Minutes
01/14 Solar 10023 Watthour (835 AH@12V), Draw 5332 Watthour (444 AH@12V), SoC Min: 71% Max: 100%, Generator 0 Minutes
01/15 Solar 9534 Watthour (794 AH@12V), Draw 5437 Watthour (453 AH@12V), SoC Min: 72% Max: 100%, Generator 0 Minutes
Sunday, Jan 13
1800 watts solar and 600 amp hour lithium batteries
321 ah on last discharge 48 -97% charge on 5.43kwh solar
480watts solar
300 AH Battleborn
Mon. morning, consumed 68 AH overnight
Soc 100% by 12:30pm
No Generator
– 4 x 100w flat roof mounted mono panels + 100w portable panel (re)directed at the sun periodically
– 3 x 100ah Battleborns
– 85% SoC at dawn
– 100% SoC by 11am
– 100% for the remainder of day until dusk
– No generator
Don’t have exact usage stats, but power consumption was moderate:
– Used 1500w hot water kettle several times throughout the morning, for a total of 6-8 minutes
– Ran microwave several times for a total of 4 minutes, 75% of it after dark
– Computer workstation was on for a total of 8 hours, 5 hours during sunlight and 3 hours after dark
– Furnace came on periodically throughout the night
Date of report 1/14
Total Solar panel coverage in Watts 300
Battery type: Gel
Battery size in usable Amp Hours 2X85
Minimum and maximum battery state of charge for that day 60% start 100% end
Generator run time None
1/13/2020 – 340W solar, AGM, 220 A h, 63% sunrise 80% sunset SOC, 0 generator
1/12/2020 – 340W solar, AGM, 220 A h, 52% sunrise 73% sunset SOC, 0 generator
1/11/2020 – 340W solar, AGM, 220 A h, 91% sunrise 100% sunset SOC, 0 generator
1280 w
680 AH
soc start 69%
soc end 99%
1 hr genset
solar produced 2.69kw
direct use .69kw
soc start 65%
soc end 99%
1.5 hr genset
solar produced 1.88kw tripped panel breaker
direct use .86kw
soc start 70%
soc end 99%
1 hr genset
solar produced 2.67kw
direct use .95kw
1/10/2020 – 340W solar, AGM, 220 A h, 93% sunrise 100% sunset SOC, 0 generator
1/9/2020, 340W solar, AGM, 220 A H, 92% sunrise 100% sunset SOC, 0 generator
520watt flat mount, 400 lithium, no monitor, in float mode by the end of the day.
State of Charge Tuesday Morning estimate 75%. Full Charge by end of the day.
1600 watts tilted 100% full by end of day.
2000 watts flat mount 400 amp-hour lithium, consumed 158 amp hours by sunrise on monday full recharge by end of day, same for sunday.
1/14/2020, 340W solar, AGM, 220 A h, 72% sunrise 83% sunset SOC, 0 generator
Hello. Test post since mine yesterday did not make it across the interweb…
1/11/2020, 680 Watts tilted, Lead Acid Batteries 720ah 310 usable, 10.83 min 13.84 max, 2.96kwh collected, no generator
1/12/2020, 680 Watts tilted, Lead Acid Batteries 720ah 310 usable, 11.52 min 14.49 max, 3.19kwh collected, no generator
1/13/2020, 680 Watts tilted, Lead Acid Batteries 720ah 310 usable, 11.63 min 14.53 max, 3.01kwh collected, no generator
1/14/2020, 680 Watts tilted, Lead Acid Batteries 720ah 310 usable, 11.57 min 14.55 max, 2.54kwh collected, no generator
Deployed xtra 200w Solar Suitcase
soc start 75%
soc end 100%
0 hr genset
solar produced 3.67kwh
direct use .46kwh
consumed 200.7ah
1/15/2020, 340W solar, AGM, 220 A h, 79% sunrise 99% sunset, 0 generator
1/15/20 1480w solar, LiFePo4, 680ah,
w/ 200w Solar Suitcase
soc start 71%
soc end 96%
0 hr genset
solar produced 4.12kwh
direct use .21kwh
consumed 233ah
1300 W flat panel coverage
2.36kWh Solar Yield
Max Bat: 14.21V (100% Charged @ sunset)
Min Bat: 12.93V (23% Charged @ sunrise)
No Generator Used
1300 W flat panel coverage
2.28kWh Solar Yield
Max Bat: 14.21V (100% Charged @ sunset)
Min Bat: 12.70V (16% Charged @ sunrise)
No Generator Used
1300 W flat panel coverage
1.95kWh Solar Yield
Max Bat: 14.21V (100% Charged @ sunset)
Min Bat: 13.12V (48% Charged @ sunrise)
No Generator Used
1300 W flat panel coverage
2.96kWh Solar Yield
Max Bat: 14.21V (100% Charged @ sunset)
Min Bat: 13.06V (36% Charged @ sunrise)
No Generator Used
1300 W flat panel coverage
2.79kWh Solar Yield
Max Bat: 14.21V (100% Charged @ sunset)
Min Bat: 13.10V (40% Charged @ sunrise)
No Generator Used
1300 W flat panel coverage
1.66kWh Solar Yield
Max Bat: 14.21V (100% Charged @ sunset)
Min Bat: 13.20V (70% Charged @ sunrise)
No Generator Used
w/ 200w Solar Suitcase
soc start 67%
soc end 91%
0 hr genset
solar produced 3.93kwh
direct use unc
consumed 266ah
w/ 200w Solar Suitcase
soc start 62%
soc end 100%
1.5 hr genset
solar produced 3.79kwh
consumed 173ah
1300 W flat panel coverage
3.25kWh Solar Yield
Max Bat: 14.21V (100% Charged @ sunset)
Min Bat: 12.62V (15% Charged @ sunrise)
No Generator Used
1300 W flat panel coverage
2.25kWh Solar Yield
Max Bat: 14.21V (100% Charged @ sunset)
Min Bat: 12.65V (15% Charged @ sunrise)
No Generator Used
1/15/2020, 680 Watts tilted, Lead Acid Batteries 720ah 310 usable, 11.52 min 14.55 max, 2.83kwh collected, no generator
1/16/2020, 680 Watts tilted, Lead Acid Batteries 720ah 310 usable, 11.42 min 14.53 max, 2.79kwh collected, no generator
1/17/2020, 680 Watts tilted, Lead Acid Batteries 720ah 310 usable, 11.65 min 14.53 max, 2.28kwh collected, no generator
We have 10 x 295W panels for 2950W, roughly flat-mounted. 1200Ah of LiFePO4 RELiON batteries. We used our LG mini-split for heat exclusively this week, no propane furnace, so our power usage reflects that fact. We ran the generator approximately 2 hours a day in addition to our solar.
1/12/2020 solar: 8.02kWh, battery min-max: 42% – 93%, total consumption: 14.96kWh
1/13/2020 solar: 8.04kWh, min-max: 38 – 97, consumption: 13.08kWh
1/14/2020 solar: 7.88kWh, min-max: 39 – 86, consumption: 12.62kWh
1/15/2020 solar: 8.1kWh, min-max: 34 – 90, consumption: 12.95kWh
1/16/2020 solar: 7.9kWh, min-max: 33 – 82, consumption: 12.16kWh
1/17/2020 solar: 8.18kWh, min-max: 33 – 82, consumption: 14.55kWh
1/18/2020 solar: 8.5kWh, min-max: 25 – 96, consumption: 11.63kWh
13kwh Volta system here (56vdc), with high current secondary alternator that replaces 60% SOC in about an hour.
No solar, pretty high parasitic drain with the inverter, which runs the microwave, induction cooktop, AC, and all recepticles for my computer, etc. The 12vdc converter send more efficient, which runs the water pump, fan, furnace pump and blower, compressor refrigerator and lights.
At Bash, arriving Friday and staying until Sunday (10 days and 9 nights), keeping the 120vac inverter off mostly, we used an average of 15% SOC per day, with two one hour high idles and three drives into town to do laundry etc which kept it topped up.
On the way home, leaving the alternator on 24/7, and more freely using 120vac (but no AC), we use about 40% SOC per day, easily replenished in the first hour’s drive. That’s out more normal usage, the AC will last overnight with daily driving.
Not sure if you are still looking for data here – I just found the slip of paper with the link.
We have 800W of solar on our bus – I can tilt half the panels, and did so at Bash. Tilting made a huge difference. These are connected to a Victron 50A MPPT.
We also have 400W of flexible ground deploy panels on a second Victron MPPT. These were tilted by leaning against the bus on most days that were not windy.
For batteries – we have 400Ah of Battle Borns.
We kept the inverter off (Victron 3000W MultiPlus) other than when we needed it. Our fridge is a 12V marine fridge – and that is our largest load.
On most days our usage was around 2.3 – 3.8 kWh. We were able to make up for this usage and reach a full 100% charge on all of the sunny days by early afternoon. On the cloudier days we ran at a deficit – but we made it the whole week without needing a generator.
I hope this is what you wanted. I was going to submit a screenshot from the VRM portal, but I do not see a way to do that.
– Chris
Having read this I thought it was very informative.
I appreciate you spending some time and effort to put this
informative article together. I once again find myself spending way
too much time both reading and leaving comments. But so
what, it was still worth it!