Our spot at Rockhound State Park looks more exposed than it is. Only 21 RV campsites further down the road past our site. It’s not actually a designated spot, but they were all taken at 9:30 am and the ranger said it was ours.
It really looks like we are camping on a highway or at least a wide spot on a highway and it feels like we are camping on a highway, except all the cars that go by are going pretty slow. I’m quite glad that this is our spot. Other locations would have been fine, but they were all occupied and we are off to ourselves, even though we get to see everyone come and go.
We took on the water this morning, solar is doing a good job on the batteries.
Rockhound State Park is a popular location because rock people are allowed to take a few rocks home with them. The hill is known for crystals if you know what you are looking for.
We covered about 300 miles in the last few days stopping twice in vineyards and once at a very neglected city park so we are taking a pause in moving so much.
Here is a link to the google map for the area.
Link to our 2019 Route.
Link to our route San Diego to El Paso
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Wow!!! That looks so close to the road
to Stephnie
Only acceptable because it is a 20mph dead end.
Are you heading up to White Sands?
Looks like a good spot but lonely
Linda would love this. She’s a rock fan.
to Dave
We walked a trail named Jasper. Saw lots of rocks.😎
Sounds like a good time for a break.
Heard you went to the City of Rocks. We went there several years ago. I do some work at the Chino mine just north of there.
to Joe
I have never seen more tailings than we saw in Silver City.
Yeah, 3 big mines down there and 3 big holes in the ground.
The experience you gain from situations like this make you true road travel warriors.
Keep up the good work!