Key West Sunsets

Key West Sunsets

Key West sunsets are amazing !!! Sunsets here are a special treat especially after not seeing sunsets for most of this year. It isn’t that the sun didn’t set all year, but nearly every place we went this summer, during our travels around the east coast, we were in trees. Frankly, we missed the sunsets. We started getting good sunsets near the everglades. Now that we are in Key West, the sunsets are amazing.

Mallory Square

The traditional place to enjoy a Key West sunset is at Mallory Square. It is on the northwest corner of Key West and the place that the cruise ships dock. The cruise ships typically depart well before sunset leaving this open to the ocean. Sailboats then cross the horizon as the sun goes down making the sunset even more entertaining.

Sailboat we saw from Mallory Square at sunset. Key West sunsets
Sailboat we saw from Mallory Square at sunset.

Mallory Square has a good angle on the ocean on the northwest side of Key West. The northwest orientation is important because the tilt of the earth makes the sunset further north in the summer, Mallory Square is still an ideal angle for viewing all year.

Mallory Square almost always has clouds in the sky during sunset adding more drama to some of the sunsets. Sunsets here are so dramatic that often the crowds will clap and cheer as the sun goes down. Of course, some clouds help but too many clouds can create a dud. Other than the sailboat picture (above) for us, the sunset at Mallory Square was rather ho-hum.

Picture of Mallory Square just before sunset was taken from a boat.
Picture of Mallory Square just before sunset was taken from a boat. All the people lined up along the sea wall are waiting for and hoping for a great Key West sunset. On this day we chose not to try and enter the crowd of hopeful and let them enjoy it without us. They were not disappointed it as it had all the makings of a great sunset.

If you go to Mallory Square for a Key West Sunset you are not going to be alone. Early afternoon musicians set up and start playing. For about an hour or more buskers will entertain you (acrobatics, juggling, and magic tricks) as the sun gets lower on the horizon.

Sunset Grill

Our favorite place to enjoy a Key West set by far is the Sunset Grill. It is on the north side of Dredgers Key conveniently less than a mile from where we camp. The Sunset Grill used to be a more rustic retreat but all that disappeared in a hurricane. Now it is more polished but none of that changes the sunset. For us it is ideal.

Key West Sunset afterglow about a half-hour after sunset. Key West sunsets
Key West Sunset afterglow about a half-hour after sunset. This is about two miles from and looking west towards the end of the road. Anyplace further west of these lights on the horizon are going to need a boat.
Key West Sunsets Clouds make the show great.
Clouds make the show great.

Because we like the Sunset Grill (not for the food mind you although the blue cheese hamburger was very good) most of the pictures that I have taken are from here.

Just after sunset at the Sunset Grill. How well named is this place? Key West Sunsets
Just after sunset at the Sunset Grill. How well named is this place?
Key West Sunsets On a different day, at the same location, the clouds make a different picture, still perfect.
On a different day, at the same location, the clouds make a different picture, still perfect.

Our campsite

My only request for a campsite was to face the RV east or west so that I could maximize the sun orientation on my solar panels. They took us to a campsite facing north, directly north. How could I say no when this is our view. It really doesn’t get any better than this.

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Since we face north, we don’t really get to enjoy a brilliant Key West sunset without walking across the street. Such a burden we bear (or is it bare). In about two months the sunset at this campsite is going to be amazing as the sun sets further to the north.
On a different day, at the same location, the clouds make a different picture, it is perfect.
Nice Key West Sunset afterglow picture from the campground.
When we walk across the street we get the full glory of a Key West sunset right across from our campsite. Key West sunsets
When we walk across the street from our campsite we get the full glory of a Key West sunset.

Really this post was just to show off a bunch of sunset pictures. We are really enjoying our time here. The sun orientation on our solar panels has proved not to be a problem. The view from our RV sometimes just reminds us to slow down and enjoy life. Sunsets are just an extension of that chill attitude that dominates Key West.

Other great sunsets

Since I made this post all about sunsets I figured I might as well review a few other great sunset pictures and locations that we have had during our travels. Seeing these pictures reminds me how many times we have been treated to great sunsets.

When you click through these links make sure to scroll down for more pictures, not all the sunsets are at the top.

Life is good, thanks for letting us share.

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10 thoughts on “Key West Sunsets”

  1. Nice sunset pics. We enjoyed our time on the Keys brief as it was. Yes we sat on the dock and waited for the sunset it was spectacular. Safe travels. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Sunsets are a great thing to relax the mind and go great with a nice glass of wine.
    Where we live in north/west Nevada we have what they call a reverse sunset. When looking east at sunset we get a light bounce off the far mountains to create an eastern sunset.

  3. These are giving me the vibe of the slow and peaceful evenings you are experiencing. They remind me to slow down too.

    Such beautiful pictures and I love the commentary that accompanies them.

  4. Pretty photos… especially jealousy-inducing since it’s a bleak, windy, gray day here.

    I remember being pretty impressed by those buskers in Mallory Square. They definitely deliver – or at least they used to. Hopefully they haven’t gotten lazy these past few years. 🙂


  5. Wow!!! Wow!!! Heaven on Earth! Such a Gift to see and feel!! But don’t decide to live there. .. … come back to Northern CA! Miss you Two!! ❤️

  6. Beaches are my favourite!

    A sunset view with the slow rush of the ocean behind it is soothing to the soul.

    I love the different hues of the photos.

    Thanks for posting.

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