Happy New Year. A couple of months ago we hit the four-year mark living in our RV without a fixed location to call home. We have a wonderful home it just has a couple of features that make it unique; namely an engine and big wheels. The adventure has been so fun, even though sometimes it is challenging. The reward is so much larger than the cost.
Last week I outlined what we did in 2021. It was a great year and we had a few big surprises. Who knew that nearly every campground in the east was completely covered by trees?
Key West
Right now we have the most wonderful campground. We arrived the day after we sent out our post last week. We are camping on the beach in Key West. If anyone had any doubt, it is summer here in Key West. Sorry to point it out, but we are very warm, and I know that for most of you it is not warm right now. This is very much like Hawaii here except there is a road to get here.

Great Neighbors
The view and summer temperatures were the number one attraction for us. We probably will return frequently because the people we have met here, most of them in the first two days, are so wonderfully welcoming. It is hard to describe how good we feel about the many friendships we have made in less than a week.

Fort Lauderdale
Our previous location was between Fort Lauderdale and the everglades. The everglades were right behind the RV, just across the canal. On Christmas morning we drove to Fort Lauderdale beach for a very nice early morning walk. I think you will agree that views like this are a great Christmas present.

We left Fort Lauderdale last Monday for the big drive. For at least twenty miles we were stuck in traffic. We didn’t make any planned stops along the way, except to switch drivers when we were stopped because of the traffic. At about the halfway point we were able to go the speed limit slowing down for new towns.

Starting in Key Largo, the road is either on these small islands (Keys) or on a bridge. You would think that by having water on both sides for nearly a hundred miles we would have had great water views. It wasn’t really true. The only great water views were from the bridges.

I will start discussing more things about our visit to Key West next week. We are not disappointed. I’m going to jump back to review mode and try to give you a quick overview of the last four years. Where did we go? What did we see?
Our first big RV trip was to the Solar Eclipse in August 2017. We went from San Diego to McCall Idaho and back in only two weeks. During this trip to Idaho, we vowed not to travel that way. Too much driving and not enough stopping. Then we sold our house in September and took a quick trip to Hawaii. Of course, the Hawaii trip was not in the RV. Here is a link to the story about our first big RV trip. 2017 Total Solar Eclipse

It will be two more years until the next total solar eclipse we will be in Texas. 2018 travels promised to be even better than 2017. It will be our plan in 2024 to be right in the center of the path for the eclipse. If you are not in the center of the path, you will miss it. I have seen many partial solar eclipses but have only seen one total solar eclipse. A total eclipse is way different and much better. Might you desire to join us?
Starting in 2018 we were real full-time RVers. Taking everything we need on the road. Instead of a route, we describe the path as a wander in the west. We saw so many wonderful places in 2018. Our route in 2018 really confirmed that we made a good travel choice. Actually, you might call it a life choice.
Here is a picture of the view from our RV of San Diego Bay at the end of 2018.

In 2019 our route was a little more directional. This year our visit to Yellowstone was the best stop of the year. As is our custom, (can you call it a custom if you only do something twice?) we try to spend the end of the year camping right on the sand with a view of the ocean. Here is a picture of the sunset over the Pacific Ocean and a link to our 2020 New Years Day location. California Dreaming

This year we broke tradition and headed to Phoenix and Tucson for our mid-winter slow down. Here is a picture and a link to our stop in Phoenix on our way to Tucson. Valley of the Sun

This is the route we took in 2020 again around the west. So far we have stayed in the west visiting our grandchildren along the way at each major stop. In 2021 we didn’t do that and I miss them; so in 2022 we are going to fix that.

Of course, 2021 was only two days ago, and here is the post from last week that covered our 2021 trip. End of Year Review – 2021

Thanks for joining us on the trip. Did you notice that we spent New Year’s day with the sequence of beach, beach, desert, beach? I don’t have a plan for New Year’s day in 2023 but the smart money would bet on the beach.
We hope you had a Happy New Year last year and an even Happier New Year this coming year. As for us, we are planning and are counting our blessings each step along the way.
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Sigsbee RV Park? Looks beautiful!
There’s been so many times I’ve had a hard time remembering when and where we’ve stayed. Your maps are awesome!
Happy New Year and safe travels.
Pam & Bob
I love the reflections. You are awesome, keep um coming!
You guys are very lucky to have the freedom you do.
My mother is still alive at 92 and lives by herself. My sister just retired so she is able to share duties of meals and taking care of chores at my mother’s.
We have grandchildren in Denver who we don’t get to see as often as we like. My grandkids in Wisconsin where we live are into many sports so I don’t want to miss that stuff.
By the way, I don’t think my wife and I could live in our small Class B for 4 years together. Enjoy your travels and stay healthy.