We have been to Twin Falls, Idaho multiple times including stops in our RV going to the solar eclipse in 2017. This time, unlike in August 2017, the Shoshone Falls had lots of water flowing over it, creating some good photo opportunities. In 2017 nearly all the water in the Snake River had been diverted for agriculture – making the falls less than spectacular.

Back to which RV story
Back to the back story, we covered why we got an RV and why we got a Class – A RV (Class A verses big truck and fifth wheel question). We also outlined that if you get an RV and don’t use it frequently, then it is just a money pit, and the more you use your RV, then the less it costs. So-far-so-good, how did we end up full time and what drove the timing.
Retirement wasn’t something that I ever considered. I didn’t think it was achievable. That’s not to say that Tami and I didn’t prepare for it, mostly by not spending money, instead, trying to save – and invest anyway we could. For example, the only reason for me to buy a new car was when a new car was less expensive than a used car. (Yes, that was occasionally possible.) My new car was always the least expensive car on the lot. In 2015 my co-workers couldn’t believe that my car not only had a manual transmission but manual window cranks. Yes, I did have air conditioning – but that was associated with driving with the windows up, getting better gas mileage than driving with the windows down. High gas mileage was always important. It was a cost of ownership thing. It is not that I didn’t ever spend money; I just tried to never spend money when a less expensive, tolerable option was available.
How to get the most for our money.
So when we decided that we wanted an RV to travel, it became a question of how to get the most out of our purchase, and the answer to that question is that we had to use it frequently. As you can tell from our travels we have an RV to travel, as opposed to having an RV to live in, and not travel.
The second part of our full-time RV adventure is that work was harder to get, after we got older, for various reasons, my job was reduced to part-time, it was difficult to get enough hours at work to pay for my Southern California lifestyle.
We always knew we were going to move out of Southern California someday, even though we loved it. Our location was not friendly to people without large incomes. Nearly every state has a lower cost of living, and lower taxes. Buying an RV was a step towards lower expenses and travel. Selling our house, to move into an RV, while still having jobs, was a step towards retirement. How fast and the chaos associated with becoming full-time RV travelers was not our choice.
Here is a link to the google map for the area.
Link to our 2018 Route.
Link to our route Salt Lake to Boise
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