Campsite Hueco Tanks El Paso Texas

Hueco Tanks Texas

We have added Texas to our map. After spending three days in El Paso we pushed east to a huge rock-climbing location called Hueco Tanks Texas.

Seems that it used to be a free-for-all and now the Texas State Park system has cracked down, cutting visitors to 70 a day, plus guided operations.

Normal campers are not to leave their campsite after 6 pm. 70% of the area is closed, except to guided tours. The other 30% is closed even to hiking without a daily permit, which has to be renewed each day. Some 6000-year-old native American rock art were defaced and their answer was to close nearly everything.

On the good side, it is so very quiet and peaceful.

We also camped at Guadalupe National Park. Camping here is much like camping in a parking lot.

Campsite Guadalupe National Park Texas
Campsite Guadalupe National Park Texas

Here is a link to the google map for Hueco Tanks Texas.

Link to our 2019 Route.

Link to our route El Paso to Colorado

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