This selection documents our 2018 Route from Boise to Coos Bay Oregon and the stops along the way. We departed Boise on May 18, 2018 traveling west across the middle of Oregon with our first destination in Crane Oregon.
Crane is in the middle of cattle country and the history of the area is of cowboys and ranches. From Crane, we drove through Bend and then south to LaPine State park where we stayed for four days.
Leaving LaPine was not easy because it is so quiet and lovely but our next big stop was Crater Lake for four nights at the Crater Lake Resort.
From Crater Lake we went to Emigrant Lake followed by Wolf Creek Park, Myrtle Creek and Elkton on our way to the coast where we stayed at Honeyman State Park. In all it was two and a half weeks since we left Crater Lake.
We went to and were at Coos Bay for a week at the Family Motor Coach Association Northwest Area Rally.
Our primary must see location on the way was Crater Lake. As we got further south we were finding closed campgrounds due to the previous winter snows until we got to the coast. Then after arriving on the coast we were surprised to find that it was still very cold well into June.