The Scappoose Bay, Marina, Campground, and Fishing Harbor is next to Bayport, Oregon on the Columbia River north of Portland Oregon. The bay is right on the river in some of the backwater areas. It was nice to rent kayaks for a little exploring.
One of the problems with re-routing is that all your previous reservations are not valid and you need new reservations, including reservations on Holiday Weekends, which are hard to get. We were re-routing for the smoke while discussing our coach with the Tiffin Warranty department; we are also now re-routing to get some work done on the RV. Our original plan didn’t include a stop at Scappoose Bay.

Our issue was a new tilt
I complained that as we drive down the road, it always seems that the RV is tilting to the right, even when the road is flat. Obviously when the road is crowned, and roads are crowned nearly all the time, it would be normal to feel that the passenger side is lower than the driver’s side. So during our discussions, and measuring our RV on a flat surface; Tiffin decided that what we needed was a block of steel between the rear axle and the rear spring.
Putting a block of steel under the passenger side rear axle should then tilt the driver’s side down making the RV ride flat on a flat surface. So we are headed to Eugene to have this block of steel installed.

We didn’t need our backup plan
Our backup plan was to go to McMinnville and stay at the free camping behind the same museum we stayed at in June – if we couldn’t find a different location for Labor Day. We actually wanted to go to Fort Stevens State Park and stay there, but they were booked, so to save miles and get close to the coastline, we got a place in Bayport, at Scappoose Bay, and at the Marina. Scappoose Bay is right on the Columbia River. It is a nice place, but Scappoose Bay has a focus on fishing in the river, which means that RVing and traveling are not the primary objectives at Scappoose Bay.

While at Bayport, we drove to Astoria and Fort Stevens State Park and then back to Bayport. The first picture is the wreck of the Peter Iredale, beached in 1906 at the north end of the Oregon coastline. The other pictures of the beach are south of Fort Stevens.

Stub Stewart State Park
After Scappoose Bay, we went further south, to a place we stayed before and loved, L. L. Stub Stewart State Park. While at Stub Stewart we were able to ride our bikes up a rails-to-trails conversion. It was seven miles all uphill. The trip back to the car was just like skiing through the forest. It was seven miles with zero effort. I love rails to trails. Train tracks don’t go up steep mountains without switchbacks. So when you convert a train track to a bike trail it isn’t steep. The only steep section was when they took out a key bridge, that was steep. The rest of the trail was not steep.
Here is a link to the google map for the area.
Link to our 2018 Route.
Link to our route Portland to Boise
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Not much left of the ship, sad they could not preserve it better. Looks very nice there, keep on having fun!!
Wow, 7 miles all downhill
Good luck. Great picture.
This has to be an incredible sight.
Beautiful clear day and shot. The Columbia River gets huge near the coast and appears to be isolated with little population surrounding it. True? Gorgeous. Let’s move to Oregon.
It’s great to be smoke-free. We too have clear skies and the stars have returned at night. The Northbound traffic last week was crazy for burning man.
Downhill Sounds terrific. I always believed in hiking UP on the way there. This is probably why I never hiked down the Grand Canyon.
It looks like a nice spot beach.
Downhill with the wind at my back is always the best part of a ride.
I envy your blue skies. We have fires, both north and south of us and smoke again.
to Richard and Evan: I can’t remember the last time I had a 7 mile gentle grade, fast enough but not too fast. No pedaling. Very rare.
Something to cherish for sure.