Lake Powell is wonderful, even in early April.
Navajo Reservation
We lost cell phone service 20 miles west of Page, Arizona. (Thank you ATT) and didn’t get it back until we got to Colorado. At Page, I stopped at a Walmart to get some advice from locals. It seems that Verizon is the only carrier in the Navajo Nation and thus is the only cell phone service for about 150 miles. Five days in the middle of the reservation with nothing. Our Cricket phones are associated with the ATT network and while it works fine most of the time – and we had four bars of signal in Page, we had zero service. Couldn’t talk, text or use data. We did go to the big hotel in the Wahweap Marina and got enough slow wi-fi service to get some emails. We didn’t get cell service for a long time.

Despite the lack of cell phone, or maybe because of the lack of cell phones, we had a great time.
Page Arizona
We are now in Cortez Colorado and it seems to have taken longer than two weeks and the weather changed from spring back to winter during the trip. Our first stop after leaving Saint George was Page Arizona at the Wahweap campground on the shore of Lake Powell Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. We spent three nights there. The campground which is a concession, operated by a big east coast operation, that operates inside the National Parks to enhance the visitor experience. After that sentence, which sounds like a marketing statement, I would like to translate. We are a big company with deep pockets and are willing to spend a little money to make this natural wonderland into something more comfortable. In exchange for the expectations of big profits because we will charge the visitors much more than they would normally pay in the national park. Of course, the truth is probably in the middle and the prices were high, but seemed to show some restraint. Don’t believe the claim of wifi at the campground. We did have electricity. The wifi service was limited to the lobby of the hotel, and it was slow.

While staying in Wahweap, we visited Lake Powell — and when we return someday, we will most likely boondock (camp without hookups) on the shoreline to the west of Wahweap. We checked out our likely campground and many more experienced campers were set up there. With solar collectors and we could likely stay there for at least a week. We would have great access to the lake, a personal beach, the chance of getting stuck in the sand, and other wonderful adventures. For now, we were just spectators. The location is called “Lone Rock Beach Primitive Camping.” As we get to know our RV better and how it handles “off road” then we will try it. For now, if we get this 12-ton house stuck in the sand, it would take a trio of four-wheel-drive trucks to get us out.

Lee’s Ferry
At Wahweap we also saw Lee’s Ferry on the Colorado River, the launching point of the Powell expedition, the Glen Canyon Dam and went on a tour of the inside of the dam. Horseshoe Bend on the Colorado River is beautiful and we took a boat ride up the slot canyons on Lake Powell. When we return we will take a kayak tour, or better yet take our own kayaks into the slot canyons. Right now we don’t have kayaks suitable for such a trip. We skipped the visit to Antelope Canyon because the time of year wasn’t right to get the sunbeams to the bottom of the slot canyon. I already want to come back to see that.

Here is a link to the google map for the area.
Link to our 2018 Route.
Link to our route Las Vegas to New Mexico
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Southern Utah is so beautiful.